Toddler 2s
The 2s classroom is a safe place for children to explore and make sense of their world. The goal is to provide a social setting in the most inviting and nurturing manner. We tackle difficult concepts for toddler, such as “if my mommy leaves me here, will she come back for me?” and “how do I get a toy that I want from another child?” Over time the children learn to play cooperatively with other students and to lay foundations for future relationships. The “child’s play” that goes on in the toddler class is an opportunity for children to create, discover and experiment. When play is supported and allowed to emerge, the toddler begins to learn about a variety of concepts that lead inevitably to intellectual curiosity and development.
This class engages students in activities that promote development of the following skill areas:
Creative Skills - painting; gluing projects; storytime
Expressive - dramatic play; singing; dancing; finger play;
Cognitive - building with blocks; manipulatives; puzzles
STEM - magnetic tiles; mixing paint; floating, pouring & sinking
Enrichment - music; cooking; Spanish
Class Overview
Class Age: Two years old (Must be two by December 1st of respective school year)
Days: 2 Days (Tue/Thu); 3 Days (Mon/Wed/Fri); 5 Days (Mon-Fri)
Hours: 9am - 12pm; 12pm - 3pm (Full day combination 9am - 3pm also available)
Class Size: 12 children
Teachers: Miss Kelley (Head T), Miss Cassidy (Asst. T) and Miss Sandy (Asst. T)
Class Schedule
9:00 - 9:30: Free-form/unstructured play time in “centers”
9:30 - 10:00: Craft/activity/story/recess
10:00 - 10:30: Snack time
10:30 - 11:00:: Play/craft/activity
11:00 - 11:30: spanish/music/classroom activity
11:30 - 12:00: outdoor recess/dismissal