Pre-K 4s
The 4s class follows an integrated curriculum that emphasizes self-expression, creativity, observation, experimentation and cooperation. In preparation for kindergarten, the class fosters the confidence and adaptability needed to thrive in a classroom setting. To help students interact productively and cooperatively with peers and teachers, the 4s class works on negotiating skills and conflict resolution. The children are encouraged to explore their imaginations and work out their social concerns through role-playing. Weekly Show and Tell helps children to become comfortable in front of a group.
This class engages students in activities that promote development of the following skill areas:
Creative - painting; self portraits; mixed media; nature art
Expressive - theatre; dress up; pretend play; social problem-solving
Cognitive - puzzles; board games; matching; block towers
Language & Literacy - story writing; letter & name recognition; poetry
STEM - weights; germs; patterns; hypotheses; life cycles
Enrichment - Music; cooking; science experiments; Spanish
Class Overview
Class Age: Four years old (Must be of age by December 1st of respective school year)
Days: 4 Days (Choice of days); 5 Days (Mon-Fri)
Hours: 8:45am - 11:45am; 12pm - 3pm (Full day 8:45am - 3pm also available)
Class Size: 14 children
Teachers: Miss Jenn and Miss Rosie (Asst. T) and Miss Shoselin (Asst. T)
Class Schedule
8:45 - 9:45: Unstructured play time in a rotation of 4 “centers”
9:45 - 10:30: Outdoor recess
10:30 - 11:00: Bathroom/shoe change/Snack time
11:00 - 11:40: Stories/discussions/science
11:40 - 11:45: Shoe change/dismissal