2025-26 Registration Forms
2s Class
Children must be 2 years old by Dec 1, 2025.
Schedules: choice of 2, 3, 4 or 5 days
PM sessions include lunch period, rest time, enrichment activity, and extended recess. Before Care (8am-class starts) and Lunch bunch (12-1) also available!
3s Class
Children must be 3 years old by Dec 1, 2025.
Schedules: choice of 3, 4 or 5 Days
PM sessions include lunch period, rest time, enrichment activity, and extended recess. Before Care (8am-class starts) and Lunch Bunch (12-1) also available!
3s/4s Class
Children must be 3 or 4 years old by Dec 1, 2025.
Schedules: choice of 3, 4 or 5 Days
PM sessions include lunch period, rest time, enrichment activity, and extended recess. Before Care (8am-class starts) and Lunch Bunch (12-1) also available!
Registration FAQs
Wave 1: began in December; currently enrolled families received registration info and began to register. Spaces are typically 70% filled by the end of Wave 1.
Wave 2: began January 6th; NEW families who have toured TTNS receive a registration email. Spaces are typically 90% filled by the end of Wave 2.
Wave 3: begins January 10th; remaining spots are shared via our website and social media.
Universal Pre-K is offered within the Tarrytown school district; spots are filled via a lottery, with confirmations mailed out in early March.
TTNS will open 4s registration in early March to align with the UPK acceptance timeline.
The TTNS registration link will be emailed out; contact us to be added to our distribution list!
Registration fees are collected upon confirmation of a spot. Fees are non-refundable and non-discountable.
FEE: $100 per child, due upon registration.
Yes! Families with 2 or more children enrolled in school concurrently will receive a 10% discount on annual tuition for the 2nd/3rd/4th child. The discount is applied to the lesser of the two tuition amounts. Registration fees are not eligible for sibling discounts.
TTNS works with the county Department of Social Services (DSS) to receive payments on a family’s behalf. Families must apply (and be approved) through a DSS application. Payments are based upon a child’s attendance; fluctuations in the calendar can cause variations in payment amounts. TTNS will partner with families to collect any tuition balances at the end of each month.
For more information, please click here: —>> PAYING FOR CARE