Preschool 3s
The preschool class emphasizes exploration, experimentation, cooperation and creativity in a process oriented environment. Children are encouraged to explore the world around them and to interact with others in productive and cooperative ways. Activities are integrated around units of study, including colors, the community and jobs people do, the farm, the insect world, the ocean world, and seasons and holidays.
This class engages students in activities that promote development of the following skill areas:
Creative - personal drawings; painting; mixed media crafts
Expressive - dress up; pretend play; imaginative building
Cognitive - cutting; drawing; number sense; shape sorting; puzzles
Language & Literacy - story and song time; rhyming; finger play
STEM - five senses; magnification; floating, pouring & sinking;
Enrichment - music; cooking; science experiments Spanish
Class Overview
Class Age: Three years old (Must be three by December 1st of respective school year)
Days: 3 Days/4 Days (choice of days); 5 Days (Mon-Fri)
Hours: 9am - 12pm; 12pm - 3pm (Full day combination 9am-3pm also available)
Class Size: 17 children
Teachers: Miss Liz (Head T), Miss Gaby (Asst. T) and Miss Tanya (Asst. T)
Class Schedule
9:00 - 10:00: Play time rotation through four “centers”
10:00 - 10:25: Snack and story time
10:25 - 11:00: Bathroom/shoe change/Outdoor recess
11:00 - 11:20: Circle time - calendar/songs/learning
11:20 - 11:50: Table toys
11:50 - 12:00: Clean up/shoe change/dismissal